Beth Waugh

From the blog

In the beginning…

What an adventure this has become!  I made a decision a year ago to take an online music business class and I am so proud of the progress I’ve made in a year!  I almost didn’t sign up for the class thinking “what am I going to do with this?  Why am I spending money on something that’s not going to happen for me? Where was this information when I was younger…when I had a shot?”  I talked to my husband about it and he encouraged me to do it at least for fun, to give me something creative to do. I hesitated and minutes before the deadline I said a prayer.  “God, should I take this class? I feel like I’m wasting money on this.  Blah, blah, blah…Then I was silent, waiting for a response.  I heard Him say, “Do it.”  I replied, “OK God.”  I signed up and hit the pay button.  “I’m leaving this in Your hands.  Whatever happens with this is up to you and I’m cool with it.”

I’ve learned so much from this course and it gave me the courage to continue to write my own music.  I’ve tried to write before, but I don’t play an instrument and I didn’t have any luck in finding someone who understood what’s in my head.  I decided to write anyway.  I became brave enough to share my songs past & present with my husband and a few friends and they thought the songs had potential.  My husband put me in touch with the composer he uses for his work, and that’s when my songs began to come to life!

If you are interested in learning more about this online course here’s the link.

The course is intended for christian artists, but the information can be used for any genre.  It’s given me valuable information on how to currently navigate the music business and given me the courage to write my own songs instead of singing everyone  else’s.  The above video is my debut at the live showcase for CMI Academy.  It was the same stage that one of my major musical influences, Amy Grant, got discovered on!  What an amazing spiritual experience for me!

I’ll tell you next time how this all has played out…

Thanks for reading,

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